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This interactive, multimedia e-learning programme focuses on collaborative conflict resolution. Smouldering conflicts can have a negative impact on the workplace in terms of working atmosphere and productivity. However, most of these conflicts can be defused or completely resolved with the help of targeted conflict resolution techniques. Therefore, knowledge of these tools and how to apply them is crucial to the successfull management of conflict in the workplace.
In this e-learning you will learn how to prepare for conflict discussions, how to implement joint conflict resolution and how to ensure that all agreed actions are carried out.
Main topics
- Collaborative conflict resolution
- Effects of conflict
- Focused conflict resolution techniques
- Practical use application of conflict resolution tools
- You will know how to talk about a conflict.
- You will learn how to deal respectfully with conflict in the workplace.
- You will be familiar with different conflict resolution strategies.
- You will be able to manage the phases of a conflict resolution dialogue in a structured way.
- You will develop a co-operative communication style.
Target group
Prospective managers and employees who frequently work together in teams.
Working method
- Knowledge check
- Moderated Video Lectures
- Key messages
- Interactive elements
- Game scenes
- Animated explanatory films
- Transfer tasks
- Workbook
This e-learning is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
1–4 E-Learnings: CHF 110.00/piece
5–9 E-Learnings: CHF 100.00/piece
10–14 E-Learnings: CHF 90.00/piece
15–19 E-Learnings: CHF 80.00/piece
20 or more E-Learnings: CHF 70.00/piece
To book multiple E-Learnings, please use the Link and send the form to anmeldung@zfu.ch.
We do also offer our E-learnings as in-house trainings. Contact us and we will be happy to make you a special offer.
Ihre Ansprechpartner für fachliche Auskünfte
Total duration 50 min.
Tel | + 41 44 722 85 85 |
info@zfu.ch |
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